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J. KRISHNAMURTI : Life Story & Teachings


Jiddu Krishnamurti - What is Meditation (Truth and Actuality)


Jiddu Krishnamurti on Kundalini & Illumination


1. Meditation is the ending of thought.  It is only then that there is a different dimension which is beyond time. A meditative mind is silent.  It is not the silence which thought can conceive of; it is not the silence of a still evening; it is the silence when thought-with all its images, its words and perceptions-has entirely ceased.

2. Meditation is one of the greatest arts in life-perhaps the greatest, and one cannot possibly learn it from anybody.  That is the beauty of it.  It has no technique and therefore no authority.  When you learn about yourself, watch yourself-if you are aware of all that in yourself, without any choice, that is part of meditation.  So meditation can take place when you are sitting in a bus or walking in the woods full of light and shadows, or listening the singing of birds or looking at the fact of your wife or child.

3. Silence and spaciousness go together.  The immensity of silence is the immensity of the mind in which a center does not exist.

4. Always to seek for wider, deeper, transcendental experiences is a form of escape from the actual reality of “WHAT IS,” which is ourselves, our own conditioned mind.  A mind that is awake, intelligent, free, why should it need, why should it have, any “experience” at all?  Light is light; it does not ask for more light.

5. Meditation is not something different from daily life, do not go off into the corner of a room and meditate for ten minutes, then come out of it and be a butcher-both metaphorically and actually.  Meditation can be done all day, in the office, with the family.  Watching all that, realizing your part in it, all that is part of Meditation.  Meditation is part of life, not something different from life.

6. Meditation is not a means to an end.  It is both the means and the end. In Meditation there is no end, no arrival; it is a movement in time and out of time.  Choiceless awareness of every thought and feeling, understanding of their motives, their mechanism, allowing them to blossom.  

7. Maturity in Meditation is the freeing of the mind from knowledge, for it shapes and controls all experience.  A mind which is a light to itself needs no experience.  Immaturity is the craving for greater and wider experience.  Meditation is the wandering through the world of knowledge and being free of it to enter into the unknown.

8. In total attention there is complete silence.  And in that attention there is no frontier, there is no center, as the “me” who is aware or attentive.  That attention, that silence, is a state of Meditation.

9. Meditation is not a separate thing from life; it is the very essence of life, the very essence of daily living.  We hardly ever listen to the sound of dogs bark or cry of child or laughter of a man or sound of the bell on the bicycle.  We separate ourselves from everything, and then from this isolation look and listen to all things.  If you listen to the sound with complete silence, you will be riding on it.  The beauty of it is felt only when you and the sound are not separate, when you are part of it.  Meditation is the ending of the separation not by any action of will or desire.

10. Meditation has no beginning and no end; in it there is no achievement and no failure, no gathering and no renunciation; it is a movement without finality and so beyond and above time and space.

11. Meditation is a state of mind which looks at everything with complete attention, totally, not just parts of it.   


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